The choral program at Kalani High School is open to all students.  This course focuses on the development of basic vocal techniques and skills including: tone quality, breath support, posture, diction, and song performance. Attention is given to the understanding and practice of basic elements of music including music reading skills, theory, and history. We will sing a variety of musical styles including, but not limited to: Folk/Traditional, Classical, Jazz, Musical Theater, Hawaiian/Reggae, Hip-Hop/R&B, Rock, and Pop/Contemporary music. The musical arrangements will come from a variety of styles and periods and will be sung in unison, two-part, three-part, and four-part harmony. There will be occasional opportunities for solo singing, ensemble movement, and assigned projects and/or presentations throughout the year. Chorus 1 is considered a beginning level class and there are no prerequisites. Chorus 2/3 is open to students who have successfully completed at least one year of chorus class.

Music is at the core of learning because it unites thinking, feeling, and doing. The study of music promotes positive student academic outcomes and further heightens the totality of the school experience. The primary goal is to make singing engaging, fulfilling, and enjoyable; for students to understand that they are a key component in making this possible, and that they determine their success in this course. Chorus class provides the opportunity to develop and nurture other life skills including communication, teamwork, discipline, confidence, and empathy. It is also an opportunity to serve and be a positive influence in the school and community.

1.       Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2.       Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
3.       Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
4.       Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5.       Reading and notating music.
6.       Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7.       Evaluating music and music performances.
8.       Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9.       Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

·       Self-Directed Learners
·       Community Contributors
·       Complex Thinkers and Problem Solvers
·       Quality Producers
·       Effective Communicators
·       Ethical and Effective Users of Technology

         Self-directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for one's own learning)
         Community Contributor (The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together)
         Complex Thinker (The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving)
         Quality Producer (The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products)
         Effective Communicator (The ability to communicate effectively)
         Effective and Ethical User of Technology (The ability to use a variety of technologies effectively and ethically)

·       Performance skills: vocal technique, choral blend, and expression
·       Musical literacy: pitch, rhythm, harmony/part-singing, sight-singing, and ear-training
·       Exposure to choral literature and knowledge of musical styles and related music history

·       Students will develop musicianship skills and gain confidence with healthy singing voices
·       Students will understand what it means to be a singer and a musician in an ensemble
·       Students will also understand the similarities and differences among structures and styles within choral music and the choral music tradition around the world

·       Be present, on time, and actively singing during rehearsals
·       Be prepared for class with a music folder, notebook, and sharpened pencil with an eraser
·       Participate in all classroom activities—especially singing—with a positive attitude and focus
·       Actively contribute to class discussions by answering questions, volunteering responses, and asking questions to gather information and knowledge

·       Students will be respectful, honest, and willing to learn
·       Students will be engaged in learning, give their full effort, and treat others with respect
·       Students who are ill and/or unable to sing will remain focused on the music during class
·       Students must provide the instructor a written and signed parent and/or doctors note for all excused absences on the day of his/her return to school. Late notes will not be accepted.

·       No food, gum, or soft drinks during instructional time. A bottle of water is recommended.
·       Students will be excused from class at instructor’s dismissal
·       Students will be given an alternate assignment(s) to complete and/or sent to the office and/or given no/partial credit for the day if he/she is non-compliant with the general rules and expectations  

Grades are earned by assessing each student’s participation and effort in daily rehearsals, vocal and musical development of skills (song, sight-singing, and ear-training assessments), acquired knowledge (assignments, quizzes, exams, projects, and group work), and a culminating experience(s) (community-service, school/community productions, etc.).

Grading will be based upon the following scale:
·       A = 90-100%
·       B = 80-89%
·       C = 70-79%
·       D = 60-69%
·       F = 0-59%

Percentages will be based on:
·       Class participation and effort (GLOs) = 50%
·       Development of skills and/or knowledge based assessments = 30%
·       Culminating experience = 20%
         If student has an excused absence(s), he/she must see Mrs. Kaaua on the day/class of his/her return to request make up work. Mrs. Kaaua may assign make up work when deemed appropriate.
·       There will be no/partial credit earned for late work.
·       Due to the nature of this class, a student’s grade will reflect the work done during instructional time.